Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Chalon Provides all therapeutic services under Renewal of the Mind Psychological Services LLC. Due to Covid-19 all services are provided through a secure telehealth platform.
At some point in our life experience, we may need professional guidance in dealing with thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that seem beyond our control. Dr. Ervin's therapeutic services can supplement your mental wellness goals and get you on track to living a healthier, happier, more productive life.
Also known as "psychotherapy," individual therapy allows you to work one-on-one with Dr. Ervin. Upon identifying your goals, Dr. Ervin tailors your therapy sessions to match your mental wellness objectives.
Whether you're engaged, married, dating, or partnered—if you're looking to improve your intimate relationship, couples therapy can help. Explore what thoughts and behaviors are impacting your relationship for better or for worse.
Address mental health concerns in a group setting overseen by Dr. Ervin. This powerfully effective mode of counseling allows you to learn from others who identify with your mental wellness challenges and goals.
Have you received a referral for psychological testing? Psychological testing uses standardized assessments to determine the cause of behaviors and thought patterns interfering with your optimal wellness goals.
Online therapy or "distance therapy" is a convenient option for clients who may not be able to meet with Dr. Ervin in person. Online sessions can supplement or replace your in-person visits with Dr. Ervin.
Concierge service allows clients to balance mental wellness with their busy schedules. Whether its your home, office, or favorite park, in many cases, Dr. Ervin can meet you where you are.