Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Ervin is on a mission to challenge, educate, and empower communities. Specifically, Dr. Ervin adheres to the following principles in carrying out her mission:
Dr. Ervin's vision is to provide culturally competent, holistic, and wellness focused services that promote self actualization, prevent development of mental health challenges, and address social-emotional problems that are currently present. Services will be provided utilizing emic, evidence-based strategies.
Dr. Ervin’s goal is to assist clients in developing a thorough understanding of how their thoughts, feelings, unprocessed memories, behaviors and decisions impact their lived experiences. Clients will utilize this insight to facilitate meaningful behavioral modifications that allow them to experience optimal wellness and work towards self-actualization. While fulfilling this goal, Dr. Ervin invites clients to “come as they are.” Together, Dr. Ervin and her clients will collaborate as they integrate evidence based treatment and supportive therapy in achieving mental wellness goals.