Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Chalon L. Ervin is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle, Washington.
Individual therapy (also known as "psychotherapy") allows you to work one-on-one with Dr. Ervin in a private and supportive setting. The private nature of individual therapy sessions allow you to speak openly and confidentially with Dr. Ervin about your most troubling thoughts. Clients collaborate with Dr. Ervin to identify their strengths in addition to what thought and behavior patterns might be obstructing your path to mental wellness.
For Dr. Ervin, one of the main benefits of individual therapy is replacing destructive thought patterns and behaviors with more positive ones.
Research increasingly supports the idea that therapy can improve your overall health or, in Dr. Ervin's words, "[t]herapy can assist you in becoming the healthiest version of yourself..."
Other positive aspects of individual therapy include:
Dr. Ervin's services reject the "one-size-fits-all" approach to mental health treatment. During your initial meeting with Dr. Ervin, you'll focus on establishing clear treatment objectives, in other words, how you hope to benefit from your sessions with Dr. Ervin. Afterwards, you'll partner with Dr. Ervin to develop a treatment plan for meeting your therapy objectives.
Anyone seeking a private and supportive environment where they can explore their emotions and develop solution-focused strategies for implementing positive changes in their life is an ideal candidate for individual therapy.
Dr. Ervin recognizes that your personal comfort level and ease is of critical importance when choosing a mental health professional. That’s why she offers a free 30-minute telephone consultation. This is your chance to familiarize with Dr. Ervin’s practice and determine if her services are right for you.